The Beatles dedicated a song to this dark purple bird's exquisite, low-pitched songs. Later, Paul McCartney stated the song was about the Little Rock Nine, all-white schoolchildren during the Civil Rights struggle.
This beautiful bird (Mimus polyglottos) with long tail feathers and a pointed beak is ubiquitous across the US. Both female and male mockingbirds are skilled singers, unlike some bird species.
With more than 1,000 to choose from, the brown thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) has more beautiful songs in its repertoire than any other bird.
Sometimes called the “northern nightingale,” this is a bird species where the male lays claim to the best singing. This member of the warbler family shares the family’s talent for warbling and chirping.
The brightly colored tanager (Piranga rubra) is unusual in the bird world. While other species stop singing in the summer, the summer tanager starts singing to herald the arrival of warm weather.
Named for its native islands, this small bird (Serinus canaria) with a big voice has been a popular pet for centuries. Its lemony yellow feathers and bright beak add to its charm.
This bird’s many beautiful tunes have inspired songs, stories, and poems. The spotted, pretty bird (Turdus philomelos) with a wide beak can sing a string of many melodies. In between songs, it often erupts into harsh calls.