Can companion planting improve the flavor of strawberries

Certain companion plants like borage, yarrow, and caraway attract beneficial insects that pollinate strawberry flowers, leading to better fruit set and larger, more flavorful berries

Companion plants like chives, marigolds, and nasturtiums produce strong scents that repel common strawberry pests like aphids, beetles, and mites

By keeping these pests away, the plants can focus their energy on producing sweet, delicious fruit.

Some companion plants like beans, peas, and lupins fix nitrogen in the soil, providing nutrients that strawberries need to thrive

Well-nourished plants are able to produce fruit with optimal flavor. Borage also adds trace minerals to the soil that enhance strawberry growth and taste.

Strong-smelling herbs like thyme and sage can mask the sweet fragrance of strawberries, making it harder for pests to locate the fruit

So in summary, companion plants improve strawberry flavor by attracting beneficial insects, repelling pests, enriching the soil, and providing an extra layer of protection from pests


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