Offer a mix of homemade nectar made from four parts water to one part white sugar. Avoid honey and artificial sweeteners as they can be harmful to hummingbirds.
Freshen the nectar daily, especially in hot weather, to prevent it from fermenting. Clean feeders regularly to ensure they stay mold-free and safe.
Add feeders in multiple spots to reduce competition. This allows more hummingbirds to refuel without stress, keeping them energized for their long flight.
Plant native flowers like bee balm, columbine, and trumpet vine. These provide natural nectar sources and attract hummingbirds to your garden.
Avoid using red dye in your nectar. The bright color isn’t necessary and may harm hummingbirds. Red feeders alone are enough to attract them.
Avoid using red dye in your nectar. The bright color isn’t necessary and may harm hummingbirds. Red feeders alone are enough to attract them.
Avoid using red dye in your nectar. The bright color isn’t necessary and may harm hummingbirds. Red feeders alone are enough to attract them.