To prevent your orchid's leaves from turning yellow, it's essential to address several key factors that affect their health.
First, ensure your orchid is receiving the right amount of light; too much direct sunlight can scorch leaves, while too little light can lead to yellowing.
Ideally, orchids should be placed in bright, indirect light, such as near north or east-facing windows. Next, monitor your watering practices.
Overwatering is a common issue that leads to root rot, causing leaves to yellow. Water only when the top inch of the potting medium is dry, and ensure proper drainage
Temperature is another critical factor; orchids prefer temperatures between 65°F and 80°F during the day and slightly cooler at night.
Avoid placing them near drafts, air conditioning vents, or open windows. Lastly, check for nutrient deficiencies by using a balanced orchid fertilizer at the recommended strength
By addressing these factors, you can help maintain vibrant, healthy foliage on your orchids.