"Keep chipmunks away from your garden by using physical barriers like fences or netting. Planting mint or garlic can also deter these critters."
"Another way to keep chipmunks at bay is to sprinkle chili powder or peppermint oil around your garden. It will deter them from coming too close."
"Consider setting up motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic devices to scare away chipmunks. They are effective in keeping these pests away from your vegetables."
"Creating a distraction garden with plants that chipmunks prefer, like sunflowers or strawberries, can help protect your vegetable garden from their munching."
"Regularly clean up any fallen fruits or nuts that might attract chipmunks to your garden. This will help discourage them from hanging around."
"Utilize natural predators like owls or hawks to keep chipmunks in check. Installing bird feeders can attract these predators to your garden."
"Try using natural repellents like predator urine or castor oil around your garden to make it less appealing to chipmunks. Reapply after rain."
"Encourage the presence of beneficial insects like ladybugs or praying mantises, which feed on chipmunk prey like aphids. They can help keep chipmunks away."
"Lastly, if chipmunks persist, consider trapping and relocating them to a more suitable habitat. Be mindful of local regulations on trapping and releasing wildlife."