1: Intro - Chipmunks are cute but can be a nuisance. Learn how to stop them from burrowing in your yard.

2: Remove Food Sources - Keep bird feeders and fallen fruit cleaned up.

3: Plant Deterrents - Try planting bulbs that chipmunks dislike, such as daffodils and alliums.

4: Use Repellents - Sprinkle cayenne pepper or garlic powder around burrow areas.

5: Install Barriers - Use wire mesh or hardware cloth to cover garden beds.

6: Trim Trees and Shrubs - Remove overgrown vegetation that provides cover.

7: Seal Entry Points - Fill in holes with soil or rocks to prevent chipmunks from entering.

8: Scare Tactics - Use motion-activated devices or predator decoys to deter chipmunks.

9: Regular Maintenance - Stay vigilant and take proactive steps to prevent chipmunk activity in your yard.