Hummingbirds are known for their incredible beauty, speed, and agility, but they can be incredibly difficult to find. These tiny birds create some of the most intricate and well-hidden nests.
To find hummingbird nests, it’s essential to understand their nesting preferences.(ref) Hummingbirds typically build their nests 10 to 40 feet above the ground on thin, downward-sloping branches of deciduous trees like oak, birch, or poplar.
Observing hummingbird activity is a good approach to find nests. Watch female hummingbirds prepare nesting materials or return to a spot during nesting season (March–July).
Female hummingbirds gather soft, fluffy materials like dandelion or thistledown to create their nests. She may also be observed “stitching” the nest.
– Hummingbird droppings: Look for tiny, dark droppings on leaves or branches below a suspected nest site. As the baby hummingbirds grow, the mother will remove their waste and drop it over the side of the nest.
– Keep your distance: Once you’ve located a nest, observe it from a safe distance using binoculars to avoid disturbing the birds. Getting too close can cause the mother to abandon her eggs or chicks.
– Provide nectar-rich flowers: Plant a variety of hummingbird-friendly flowers like trumpet honeysuckle, bee balm, and cardinal flower to offer a natural food source.