1: Learn about the harmful effects of incorrect hummingbird nectar. Avoid red dye, artificial sweeteners, and honey in your homemade mixture.

2: Red dye in nectar can harm hummingbirds. Stick to clear nectar to ensure their safety and health in your backyard.

3: Artificial sweeteners offer no nutritional value to hummingbirds. Stick to white granulated sugar for the best nectar recipe.

4: Honey can promote dangerous fungal growth in hummingbird feeders. Avoid using honey in your nectar mixture to protect these birds.

5: Improperly made nectar can lead to mold growth. Be sure to clean your feeders regularly to prevent harm to hummingbirds.

6: Moldy nectar can cause illness and death in hummingbirds. Keep your feeders clean and nectar fresh for their well-being.

7: Avoid attracting harmful insects to your feeder with poorly made nectar. Stick to a simple sugar-water mixture for safe feeding.

8: Protect hummingbirds from toxic chemicals by avoiding red dye and artificial ingredients in your homemade nectar recipe.

9: Ensure the health and safety of hummingbirds by following proper nectar-making guidelines. Keep feeders clean and nectar fresh for these beautiful creatures.