1: The vibrant colors and sweet nectar of flowers play a crucial role in attracting hummingbirds during migration. Planting the right flowers can help these travelers refuel on their journey.

2: As September approaches, consider planting late-blooming flowers like bee balm, cardinal flower, and trumpet vine to provide a food source for hummingbirds passing through.

3: Hummingbirds rely on flowers to fuel their long journey south for the winter. By planting a variety of nectar-rich blooms, you can help support these fascinating travelers.

4: Flowers like salvia, fuchsia, and penstemon are popular choices for attracting hummingbirds in September. These blooms provide the energy needed for these tiny aerial acrobats.

5: Bright colors like red, orange, and pink are particularly attractive to hummingbirds. Planting flowers in these hues can help catch the attention of passing migrants in the fall.

6: Hummingbirds have a keen sense of smell and are drawn to the fragrance of flowers. Consider adding scented blooms like jasmine, honeysuckle, and nicotiana to your garden.

7: To create a hummingbird-friendly garden, mix in a variety of flower shapes and sizes. Trumpet-shaped blooms like honeysuckle and columbine are especially appealing to these aerial visitors.

8: Providing a continuous source of nectar is essential for hummingbirds during migration. Planting flowers that bloom at different times throughout the season can help sustain these travelers.

9: By planting a diverse array of flowers that bloom in September, you can help support hummingbird migration and enjoy the beauty of these amazing creatures in your own backyard.